Imagine, you are coming home after a tiresome day at work and just want to stick to your bed and relax for about 7-8 hours till your body feels refreshed and you are ready for another hectic day at the...
Is oversleeping a good thing? How much sleep is required to a normal person daily? We often hear doctor telling the side effects of getting too little sleep, but on the other hand, sleeping too much also appears to have...
Do you have trouble falling asleep? If yes, then you are not alone. According to a survey, more than 25 percent of adults report that they struggle with falling asleep at night and more than 60 percent report struggling with...
Lack of sleep can be daunting right? A drowsy next day, searching different nook and corners to take a nap and furthermore catching up on some big trouble that might be easy to ignore the same day but could be...