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Will Power Nap Increase Your Productivity?

Will Power Nap Increase Your Productivity? - Shinysleep

Power nap, that little breath of sigh that generally eats up your lunchtime after a long boring meeting.

We all love little power naps between the day to make ourselves feel relaxed and energetic.

What is so good about a power nap that makes us rely upon it more than a good night’s sleep? 
Before answering this question, let’s have a look at what exactly power nap is.


A power nap is a short period of sleep. It is usually practised when the normal course of sleep gets hampered.

Remember staying up late thinking about the next day and waking up feeling incomplete?

A power nap is a saviour in those times.

Now, we know what power nap is but is it really effective? 

We mean, will it make up for the days when taking a wholesome sleep wasn’t possible?

Let’s look at how a power nap works 

Power naps in reality are aimed at beating the sleep-deficits that we have due to our modern lifestyles

The human sleeping pattern is divided into five categories

  • In the first stage, the electrical brain activity gets slow alog with the rate of respiration. It usually doesn’t last long, just about 10 minutes.
  • The second stage makes your body ready for slow-wave sleep, which takes about another 10 minutes. The muscles of your body get loose and relaxed while in this stage
  • The third stage is the extremely slow sleep wave
  • Stage four comprises of deep sleep when the eye movement is put a halt
  • The final stage is Rapid Eye movement, you might be dreaming the most in this.

This  cycle repeats every 1.5- 2 hours.

When it comes to power nap, it coincides with the first two stages lasting about 20-25 minutes.

While performing this in between your work, you tend to.improve the accuracy and the working of the neurons.

The study shows better productivity, improved mood and a significant boost in memory.

The advantages of a power nap
  • Increase in alertness : Power nap helps you by improving your concentration power and the alertness.
  • A cure for Narcolepsy: Planned Power nap is a suggested cure for the ones affected by narcolepsy, which is a neurological disorder that affects your ability to wake and sleep.
  • Significant psychological benefits: Power naps help you to rejuvenate leaving a relaxing effect. It helps you to get a better mood
  • Reduces the risk of heart disease: studies have shown that eliminating sleep deficits by power naps can reduce the risk of any potential heart disease.
  • Improvement in stamina: Power naps improve your stamina, preventing you from burning out too often.


And of course, improvement in overall productivity by ameliorating creative problem-solving skills, logical reasoning and retention.

So whenever you are stuck in some problem or don’t know how to deal with the chaos, try taking a power nap. There’s a good chance that you will be able to solve whatever’s troubling you and increase your overall efficiency.