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How to Diagnose & Treat the Most Common Sleep Disorders

How to Diagnose & Treat the Most Common Sleep Disorders - Shinysleep

After working for nine hours straight, what you need is a good night's sleep to recover and recharge for the next day. And the more rested you are, the better your performance would be. But

what if you end up tossing and turning on your bed?

Quality sleep improves your health, and health is wealth. So, if you sleep well, you will reap many benefits. However, if sleeping sounds like a trance against your best intentions, you might be suffering from a sleep disorder.

Sleep disorders may have a huge effect on the life and the lives of others who live with you, leading to having sleepless nights, stressful hours, and decreased functioning during the day.

What are sleep disorders?

Sleep disorders have become a call of concern as they have become more prevalent, disrupting people's ability to sleep well on a daily basis.

Most people have intermittent sleeping issues as a result of heat, hectic lives, and other potential factors. However, if these problems become frequent and interfere with everyday life, they can signify a sleeping illness.

Depending on the sort of sleep disturbance you have, you might also tend to feel excessively tired or have trouble falling asleep.

The lack of sleep can also have a negative impact on energy, mood, concentration, and overall health.

Additionally, sleep disturbances may be a symptom of some physical or mental health problems in some cases. When the root cause is treated, these sleeping disorders can gradually go away.

When the sleep disturbance is not caused by any disease, it is usually treated by a mixture of medication therapies and lifestyle changes.

That is why, if you believe you have a sleep disorder, it is important to get a diagnosis and medication as soon as possible. If left unchecked, the detrimental effects of sleep disturbances may have far-reaching implications for one's health. They may also have an effect on your job efficiency, trigger tension in relationships, and hinder your capacity to carry out everyday tasks.

How many types of sleep disorders are there?

There are various different types of sleep disorders. But today we will talk about the top ones and the most common ones-

  • Insomnia.

  • Sleep apnea.

  • Restless legs syndrome.

  • Narcolepsy.

  • REM Sleep Behavior Disorder.


Do you spend your nights waking up aimlessly? If yes, you are suffering from insomnia. Insomnia is described as trouble falling or remaining asleep. It is divided into two types one is Transient or short-term insomnia and another one is chronic insomnia.

1. Transient or Short-Term Insomnia- This form of insomnia often happens in the wake of a traumatic life event, such as the death of a loved one or the breakdown of a relationship.

2. Chronic Insomnia- It is described as non-restorative sleep, trouble falling asleep, and staying asleep for at least one month. If you have recurrent intermittent insomnia, you will have a sleeping cycle in which you will have a few nights of decent sleep followed by several nights of insomnia. Isn't it horrible?

Common symptoms of insomnia

You could have insomnia if-

• It is difficult for you to fall asleep.

• It’s hard for you to hit the bed even when you’re tired.

• You are waking up often during the night and having trouble going back to sleep.

• You will find yourself unable to concentrate and feel tired and irritable throughout the day. Also, your quality of life and social life may be affected. And you may also suffer from headaches, tense muscles, and gastrointestinal symptoms.

Treatment for Insomnia

On a broad level, your insomnia could be treated in two ways-

1. In case you have insomnia, a doctor will prescribe you medications on the basis of your own specific needs. For instance, if anxiety or depression is the underlying cause of your condition, your physician may prescribe you antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications. They can also recommend medications for sleep, but they are typically prescribed to be used on a short-term or as-needed basis.

2. If it is not treated by medication then you may go for cognitive behavior therapy, hypnosis, sleep restriction, stimulus control, and relaxation techniques, to treat your insomnia. 

Sleep Apnea

Have you ever feel choked while sleeping? Do you make loud noises while sleeping? if that’s the case, then don’t ignore that as it could be life-taking. 

Sleep apnea is a potentially fatal sleep condition that happens when a person's breathing is disrupted while sleeping. Untreated sleep apnea causes people to stop breathing repeatedly through the night.

Although there are two types of sleep apnea yet obstructive sleep apnea is a serious and common sleep disorder. In this, your airway repeatedly becomes blocked, and you’ll stop breathing. When this happens, you might find yourself choked and snoring loudly. And as a result, you will wake up as your body and brain are oxygen-deprived. 

If you have this condition, you may find this happens once or twice a night. However, in severe cases it can happen hundreds of times a night.

Common symptoms of sleep apnea

You could have sleep apnea if:

• You are waking up at midnight with a dry or a sore throat.

• You are snoring loudly.

• You are waking up constantly choking.

• You are feeling fatigued and irritable.

Common treatment for Sleep Apnea

There are various treatments available for this sleep disorder.

1. CPAP Therapy- It is a machine that is used to keep your airways open as you sleep. The machine uses mild air pressure and is attached to a mask or prongs that fit in your nose to prevent any mishappening.

2. Positional therapy - Some people primarily suffer from sleep apnea when they sleep on their back. Positional therapy often involves wearing a device that keeps you sleeping on your side.

3. Surgery - If CPAP doesn’t work for you, surgery is an option to treat this sleep disorder.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS)

Do you find it tough to keep your legs still? If this is the case, you might be suffering from restless legs syndrome.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sleep disorder characterized by an extreme, sometimes irresistible need to lift one's legs. This feeling is caused by resting, such as laying down in bed or sitting for long periods of time, such as while driving or watching a movie.

Many people have witnessed this disorder mostly in the evening, making it impossible for them to fall and remain asleep. It has been linked to issues with daytime sleepiness, irritability, and concentration. People suffering from RLS always tend to shake their legs to help alleviate the painful feeling. Stretching, jumping, and rubbing the legs can also be beneficial.

Common symptoms of RLS

Symptoms usually appear while you are resting, eating, or attempting to sleep. They can make it difficult for you to fall asleep, or cause you to wake up from a deep sleep. As a consequence, there is always insufficient quality rest.

You could have restless legs syndrome if:

• You have a sudden need to lift your legs.

• You have a creeping feeling or an ache between your legs.

• When you stretch, walk or drive, you feel some relief from the symptoms.

Common Treatment Types for Restless Legs Syndrome

Even doctors are unsure what triggers RLS, but it seems to run in families. RLS may be treated with medications and behavioral therapies to alleviate symptoms. Changes in lifestyle can also help with sleep.


Do you have uncontrollable daytime sleepiness? If this is the case, you may have narcolepsy. 

Narcolepsy is a sleep-regulation disorder that affects the control of sleep and wakefulness. It allows you to fall asleep at any moment and in any place, regardless of where you are or what you are doing. 

These uncontrollable sleep attacks often occur under rare situations, such as while eating or walking. This is because individuals with narcolepsy are unable to control their sleep-wake period.

 This potentially risky and terrifying syndrome is thought to be caused by a deficiency of hypocretin, a brain chemical that encourages wakefulness and protects muscle tone.

Common symptoms of narcolepsy

You could have narcolepsy if:

• You fell asleep unexpectedly.

• You are drowsy through the day.

• You are plagued with sleep paralysis.

• You are experiencing cataplexy, a sudden lack of muscle function that makes you feel weak or can cause you to collapse.

Common treatment for narcolepsy

Narcolepsy could be treated via scheduled naps and medication.

REM sleep behavior disorder

When you have REM sleep behavior disorder, you act out your fantasies while you sleep. You lack the muscle paralysis most people experience while asleep. When the condition poses a risk to you or anyone, it is taken very seriously.

Common Symptoms of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder

You could have REM sleep behavior disorder if:

• You move your muscles while sleeping.

• You cry, chat, beat, slap, yell, and do other things while sleeping.

Common Treatment Types for REM Sleep Behavior Disorder

Medication is widely used to treat REM sleep behavior disorder. If you are affected, injury avoidance is critical.

Summing up

Sleep disorders may not be fatal, but it does not mean they can be treated lightly, since they may be terrifying and perplexing for people who suffer from them. Sleep disorders may have a negative impact on people's quality of life, leaving them irritable, exhausted, and lonely.

People living with the patient can even be perplexed because they do not realize what is happening to their loved one, but as you have read above, there is treatment available for any sleep disorder you are going through need best natural latex mattress in india to resolve all sleeping disorder

So, if you're having trouble sleeping, don't be afraid to see a doctor. Healthy sleep is important for your wellbeing and for your quality of life. So, follow the healthcare provider's guidelines and practice proper sleep hygiene to get nights of peaceful sleep.