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Lack of sleep affect mental health

Lack of sleep affect mental health - Shinysleep

Are you a night owl? Do you love late-night parties?

Or do you have kids who keep you awake in late hours?  If yes, then this article is for you.

I can understand that many times you may not be getting enough sleep because of your work or family commitments. But just ask yourself, are you doing correctly? Sleep plays a significant role in maintaining good physical, mental and emotional health. Being ignorant towards sleep can land you in trouble as poor sleep can mess up with your health, leaving you irritated the whole day.

Lack of sleep can also give birth to unfavorable health consequences including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and depression.   Furthermore, sleep disturbances can also worsen the symptoms of many mental conditions including depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder and some psychiatric conditions can cause sleep problems. 

How do you know if the problem is sleep deprivation?

Since every individual is different, so are their sleeping hours. So the best way to know whether you’re getting enough sleep or not is by how you feel. If you are feeling sleepy as you awaken, then there is something wrong. Yet if you are filled with energy as you wake up then nothing to worry about.

Alongside this, do assess your daily capabilities and quality of life. Ask yourself if your cognitive performance is where you want it to be or not?

Or, Are you facing conflicts with other employees or your boss over your memory, attention, or concentration -- and particularly your productivity? 

if yes, then the problem is sleep deprivation. 

Sleep and mental health

Do you recharge your phone battery after it’s dead or about to be? Yes? So, why don’t you let your brain recharge itself by a sleep to perform better the next day?

Sleep is very important to recharge the brain. If an individual does not sleep enough or does not follow a daily sleep schedule his internal clock gets disturbed. So, maintain a daily sleep cycle and let the brain function properly otherwise it will be screwed.

If you are sleep deprived you will feel less concentrated the next day. your thought process will slow down. You will become confused easily as you cannot focus and pay attention to the things going around you. Due to this your ability to perform tasks will be reduced.

Excessive sleepiness can also impair your memory and learning difficulties. As you can not focus your ability to grasp information will become challenging.

You don’t need to be drunk, drowsiness can alone be dangerous for you. While driving if you are drowsy it can be harmful to you as sleepiness can make your reaction time slower. 

Alongside this, consistently poor sleep can increase your chances of developing a major depressive order. 

Steps to improve mental health

You need Sleep, sleep, sleep!

First, make sleep your priority.

Second, fix your sleep time and follow it consistently.

Third, make sure you have a comfortable mattress to sleep on. Because many times the reason behind lack of sleep or poor sleep is your mattress.

Fourth, avoid having caffeine, alcohol, and heavy meals before bed. Caffeine, alcohol, and heavy meals cause sleeplessness. 

Fifth, keep your room dark and noise-free.

Sixth, keep your electronic devices out of your room.

Seventh- Do regular physical activity as it will make you fall asleep faster without waking you up during the night.

Note- If you have tried the above hacks and are not working for you. Or, On the off chance if you suspect that your sleep issues might be caused by or contributing to a mental health condition talk to a mental health professional. 

Depression, anxiety, and other psychiatric disorders can interfere with your sleep—but addressing your sleep problems may also have a positive impact on your psychological symptoms.

Sleep and emotional health

Do you know that sleeplessness and mood disorders are closely linked?

Poor sleep affects your emotional health significantly causing irritability and lessens the ability to cope up with stress. Sleep-deprived individuals feel an upsurge in negative moods and a decrease in positive moods.

Sleeplessness and mood disorders are closely linked and affect each other- your mood can lay an impact on your sleep and lack of sleep can impact your mood. 

Alongside this, Not getting recommended hours of sleep can screw up your ability to regulate your emotions. Over time, this can increase your risk of developing a mental health condition. 

Therefore, having enough sleep and a good sleep environment is of utmost significance for your mental and emotional health.

Experiencing low mood, erratic behavior, or anxiety? Go and have a good sleep. Sleep is essential for your body to respond properly. Don’t sacrifice it for any other commitments. 

Quality sleep of recommended hours is required for an individual’s mental and emotional health. If you skip it you will be screwed. Sleep is essential for the brain to function properly. People think that while sleeping they are inactive but the opposite is true. Sleep removes toxins in your brain build up while you are awake.