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There's nothing wrong with saying that getting a good night's sleep is just as important as eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.

If you want to lose weight or stay healthy all the time, you need to get the recommended. All would work against you if you don't sleep better. If you want to lose weight, you can add it if you don't get enough sleep.  A good night's sleep will make you eat less and work out more effectively.

So, having a full night's sleep is one of the most important things you can do to improve your health or lose weight

There are a number of studies that have shed light on the benefits of sleep, revealing the negative effects of inadequate sleep or lack of sleep as well on hormones, everyday output, and brain activity. Yes, that is right. Sleep deficiency has an effect on the brain as well.

Despite this, the consistency and amount of sleep have deteriorated dramatically over time. Many people don't get as much sleep as they should. In reality, many people complain about sleep disturbances on a daily basis, which can lead to insomnia.

What is insomnia?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which you feel hard to sleep or staying asleep. It not only drains your vitality and impacts your mood, but it may also have a negative impact on your fitness, job efficiency, and overall quality of life.

Difficulty falling asleep, waking up through the night, waking up too early, daytime tiredness, difficulty thinking, irritability, exhaustion, and anxiety are the most common signs of insomnia. Diabetes, obesity, and heart disease have also been related to sleep deficiency.

But with an easy lifestyle and schedule improvements, you can get the quality and quantity of sleep your body needs. Tips to beat insomnia and sleep better

Without waiting any longer let’s dive in and explore some sleep experts recommended tips to beat insomnia and have heavenly sleep.

Increase bright light exposure during the day

Hitting the bed and waking up at the same time every day will make you sleep well regularly. Your body would have a more stable sleep-wake cycle if you stick to a sleep schedule. This will make you fall asleep easily and sleep deeply during the night over time.

Seeing enough sunshine as soon as you get out of bed in the morning is another way to improve your sleep habits. The perfect way to start the day is to get some sunshine. It will keep your internal clock, or circadian rhythm, healthy by filling you with positivity and energy.

If you have insomnia, daytime bright light exposure will help increase the consistency and length of your sleep.

But if you are unable to get sunshine to go for artificial bright light or bulbs.

Therefore, sleep quality and length can be improved by daily exposure to sunlight or artificial bright light, particularly if you have serious sleep problems or insomnia.

Reduce blue light exposure in the evening

As previously said, exposure to daylight, whether normal or artificial, is beneficial to your health; however, nighttime light exposure has the opposite effect, tricking your brain into believing that it is still day time, making it more difficult to sleep.

Even a small amount of light will cause you to lose sleep.

Blue light, which is produced from electronic devices such as smartphones and laptops, is the worst in this respect.

As a result, I suggest that you limit your screen time several hours before bedtime in order to get a decent night's sleep. Cover up any screens that might be visible from your room, such as a digital clock, in addition to blue light.

Stop consuming caffeine before bed

No doubt caffeine is at your back when you feel drowsy. It will increase your attention, stamina, and athletic performance. But Caffeine will activate your nervous system and discourage the body from spontaneously relaxing at night if ingested late in the day.

Do you know that drinking caffeine up to 6 hours before bedtime has a negative effect on sleep quality?

It definitely does. Caffeine levels will remain up in your blood for up to 8 hours. As a result, drinking a lot of coffee after 3–4 p.m. isn't a smart idea, particularly if you're caffeine-sensitive or have trouble sleeping.

Reduce irregular or long daytime naps 

If you're sleepy, naps are a good way to recharge your batteries, but napping for too long will keep you up all night. It's possible that nodding off throughout the day will throw the internal clock off.

The best naps are under twenty minutes long, as something more than that will interrupt the circadian rhythm. 

As a result, take shorter naps during the day to prevent disturbing your night sleep. Sleep inertia, or grogginess that happens for a few minutes to 30 minutes after waking up from deep rest, is related to naps lasting more than 10 to 20 minutes.

Those that take daily daytime naps, on the other hand, may not have low sleep quality or disturbed sleep at night, according to some reports.

Avoid napping or cut your naps short if you're having trouble sleeping at night.

Use pillows to ease low back pain
Back pain is a real bitch! It stops people from sleeping and leaves them up all night. Only think about it: if you have back problems, you spend the whole night tossing and turning in bed. Isn't that correct?

So, if you're suffering from back pain, try sleeping on your side to relieve pressure on your lower back, and put a cushion between your knees to keep your hips aligned and lessen low back strain even further.

A decent mattress can provide you with divine sleep, while a poor mattress can put you to sleep in a nightmare. As a result, be careful when purchasing  Best Mattressin India with 10yrs of warranty and choose one that is comfortable enough to prevent aggravation of your back pain.  Optimize your bedroom environment

There are a few things that count for a night of blissful sleep, one of which is your bedroom setting. For a better night's sleep, your bedroom must be tidy and well-organized.

Tiniest amount of noise has the capability to disturb your sleep leaving you agitated. So, just think about nodding off in a loud environment. Will you be able to sleep there?

Certainly not! Since it can cause bad sleep and health problems if you are exposed to it.

Therefore, try to keep visible noise, glare, and electric lighting from things like alarm clocks to a minimum in your bedroom. Ensure that your bedroom is a peaceful, calming, safe, and pleasant environment.

Don’t eat late in the evening

Many times, our elders instructed us to have our dinner by 6 or 7 p.m. Have you ever thought why? This is due to the fact that our bodies need time to digest food. It will take several hours to digest depending on the amount and consistency of what you've eaten, and you won't be able to sleep before digestion is complete. 

As a result, it is encouraged to eat dinner early rather than later in the evening. Late-night eating has been shown to have a detrimental impact on sleep efficiency as well as the normal release of HGH and melatonin. There must be a time interval between dinner and bedtime; otherwise, falling asleep would be difficult.

Also eating a big meal before bed will cause insomnia and hormone disturbance. Certain meals and snacks are eaten a few hours before bedtime, on the other hand, can be beneficial.

Prevent nighttime bathroom interruptions

I understand that it's bad to be dehydrated, but drinking too much water can induce constant nighttime urination, which can interrupt your sleep making it difficult to get enough sleep. 

Also, it may be a symptom of a medical condition if you wake up often during the night to urinate. You can consult a doctor for a diagnosis. 

Limiting fluid intake for at least a few hours before bedtime can help to minimize or avoid nighttime bathroom visits. 

Keep a nightlight in the corridor and bathroom to help you navigate without tripping and flipping on the lights, which might disrupt your sleep routine.

Keep pets off the bed

Do you have a pet? And does it like sharing your bed? If this is the case, your pet might be disturbing your night. Wondering how?

When they wake up at midnight, you will have to wake up as well to get them to fall asleep.

However, if you have trouble falling asleep if you wake up in the middle of the night, it's best to keep pets out of the bedroom.

There are other reasons to keep pets out of your sleeping zone. If you suffer from allergies or asthma, pet dander and fur can aggravate your symptoms. Pollen is tracked into the house by pets who go outside. You should train your pet to sleep in a different room in his or her own bed.

Establish a Relaxing Nighttime Routine

Having a nighttime routine is a plus. Avoiding tension and engaging in enjoyable exercises in the evening is particularly beneficial, just try not to work at night, please. Don't get caught up in mentally draining talks, scary movies, or thrilling books.

If you're a worrier, write down your ideas and emotions in a diary to make you forget about them. Take a warm bath, listen to calming songs, meditate, or read a soothing book before going to bed. Meditating for even 10 minutes a day is beneficial to both the body and the mind.

I hope you find this piece of writing peacefully.

Have a peaceful night of sleep with Shinysleep!