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How to deal with insomnia problems in childhood

How to deal with insomnia problems in childhood - Shinysleep

Insomnia could be caused by children because of the poor bedtime routine. 

Does your child resist going to bed or insist that they’re not tired around bedtime? If yes, then ask yourself whether you consistently set and enforce a regular bedtime.

Read: Insomnia problems in children

If you’re not sure, you should start training your child to follow a consistent bedtime routine.


Relaxing before going to bed

Before getting your child ready for sleep, start establishing a relaxing, pre-bedtime routine. 

This should last about 30 minutes and include three to four relaxing activities like a child taking a bath, narrating a story, etc.

Read: 6 Tricks to sleep fast

Make sure the routine doesn’t involve any electronic gadgets as the blue light emitted from these gadgets disrupts the body’s sleep and wake cycle and makes it more difficult for them to fall asleep.

Following are the good bedtime and daytime routines your child should follow:

  • Little to no caffeine intake even in the afternoon: These include soda, coffee, tea, or chocolate. Some chamomile tea, however, could help the body relax.
  • Regular exercising: Regular exercise prevents restlessness at night. An hour every day is the recommended amount.


Try to keep your kids from vigorous activity within three hours of bedtime.

  • Comfortable room: Is the room quiet? If a child is afraid of the dark, a low-level nightlight is acceptable. Make sure your child’s bed is not overloaded with toys, as that can become distracting at bedtime.

Read: Insomnia in Children

  • Promotes natural light in the morning: Opening a window helps us wake up and signifies the start of the day.
  • Support good lifestyle: In some cases, a child’s inability to fall and stay asleep is related to daytime behavior.  This is mostly the case with adolescents and teens. Setting good lifestyle habits helps ensure a restful night at any age.


  • Make sure your child uses the bed only for sleeping purposes: Does your child do homework or use the computer in bed? 
    Try to encourage them to use the bed only for sleep or a pre-bedtime ritual. The brain will subconsciously start to associate the bed with other activities.


  • Don’t alter your sleep schedule even on weekends: This will make it easier for your child to wake up and fall asleep naturally.  They should not need to sleep much more than an hour past their usual wake-up time on the weekends. If they do, this indicates that they aren’t getting enough sleep during the week.


  • No heavy food intake before going to bed: A light snack such as warm milk and a banana before bed is a good idea. Heavy meals within an hour or two of bedtime may keep kids awake.


  • Pay close attention to your child's napping routines: Children typically need at least four hours between sleep periods before they are tired enough to doze off again.

  • Nap needs may vary, make sure your child is not asleep for too long or too close to bedtime.


These are the good bedtime and daytime routines to take care of and follow if your child is suffering from insomnia.

Read: How important is a good mattress to your sleep

So that your child can overcome the sleep-related issues and prevent them in the future as well. If you are still having any doubts or queries related to insomnia in children, let us know, we will love to answer them.


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